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Wall Painting Art Career

Wall Painting Art Career ;

Wall painting art is a well fine art for new 12th/Gradute/Post Graduate passed freshers or unemployed youths of worldwide level.

Now this art sector can become more beneficial for various sector world as below manner.
1-Tourism Sector;
Tourism sector is a one of the fastest sector in  South ASIA sub continent

a- Tourism for outing ;
Tourism for outing is a one of the fastest sector in  tourism sector of  South ASIA's sub continent.

b- Adventure Tourism;
Adventure Tourism of art is a one of the fastest sector in  tourism sector of  South ASIA's sub continent e.g- various adventure places of world 

c- Religious Tourism;
Religious Tourism of art is a one of the fastest sector in  tourism sector of  South ASIA's sub continent e.g-Various religious site of world. etc.

d- Wellness Sector- e.g- Yoga ;
Wellness sector of art under tourism sector is a one of the fastest Art sector in  tourism sector of  South ASIA's sub continent.
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2- Education Sector;
Education sector of art is a one of the fastest sector in  art sector of  South ASIA's sub continent e.g- Schools,Degree college etc.

3- Health Care Sector-e.g- awareness;
Health care sector of art is a one of the fastest sector in  art sector of  South ASIA's sub continent


4- Construction Sector;
Construction sector of art is a one of the fastest sector in a art sector of  South ASIA's sub continent e.g- house wall painting art,community art painting etc.

5- Transport Sector;
Transport sector art is a one of the fastest sector in  art sector of  South ASIA's sub continent eg-Buss/metro branding painting,road side wall painting etc.

6- Electronic media-e.g- Radio;
Electronic media sector of art is a one of the fastest sector in art sector of  South ASIA's sub continent e.g- ethnic art painting,religious painting on electronic media promotion special program by  wall painting etc.

7- Agriculture Sector- e.g- Education,Awareness;
Agriculture sector of art is a one of the fastest sector in  art sector of  South ASIA's sub continent e.g- agriculture company's product by wall painting like. seeds, etc.

Career and Jobs in wall painting ; 
They get hired by Art galleries, Museums, Colleges and Universities, Corporates for making their art collection etc.and individually can deal with govt./pvt. local body it is depend upon your good will . 
They can also work independently as workshop organisers,Wall Painting, Pottery painting, Glass painting, Tattoo painting etc.

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