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Happy Teacher's Day

                                                             "Happy Teachers Day "  
                                                   "Teach world in a practical way"                                                                                                                          #SkillDevelopmentSamiti

Skill is important for every one for self employment from home based business.

Fashion designing is wast sector where any area of community cloth designing can stand if after stitching that particular culture cloths like Jonsari,Gharwali,Kumawani,Himanchali,Bhotiya,Rajastani,Gujrati etc.have designed then if follow proper Marketing or right distributor who can proper market it every country business market as well as abroad market also potential for these clothes.

If anybody male or female can come this fashion designing sector and after sound earning from tailoring business anybody can stand his business or startup on in this sector and take recognition as well as Natonal brand and ideal business man or business women
If any one wish to join this industry he/she should be know about stitching as well know how to run business in local or state or national or international for it they should read any direct business books etc.

                                                                         Sponsor by;                                                                                                                              SkilldevelopmentSamiti #Kalsi                                      
                             ( Donate today on-line for SDS NGO's of Uttarakhand-India)                                          
                                                              ( Skill nation & Rich Nation )
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