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Adventure Tour Guide Course

Adventure tour Guide Course ;
Adventure tourism industry is going on boom in ASIA continent specific in south ASIA concerns.
Now various part of these countries like
7-Bhutan etc.
Now adventure tour guide courses are below manner. these courses valid for 40/90 days under Govt/Pvt. recognize only.

Now days any tourist going on abroad tours then if they need some adventure sports these are below manner.
1-River swimming
4-Rock Climbing
6-Trail Running
7-Off Road Biking

8- Paddling
9-Cross-Country Skiing 
10-Local singing & dancing
11-Tree Courses
12-Sales Training

14-Home Stay Tourism Training for 40/90 days training under Govt./Pvt. recognition.
15-Ice Hockey and more log on our blog,call us,visit our fb page and send us mail.

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( Donate On-line for SDS NGO's of Uttarakhand-India)
                                                              ( Skill Nation & Rich Nation )                                    
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